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Conservation Quick Tips: Water Wise Home Survey
Valley Water tech Gregg Catanese describes the benefits of a free home water wise inspection.

Conservation Quick Tips: Water Wise Home Survey
Valley Water tech Gregg Catanese describes the benefits of a free home water wise inspection.

Conservation Quick Tips: Using leaves to save water
Santa Clara Valley Water District Landscape Committee member Sherri Osaka gives us her top tips for saving water in her yard by using leaves for mulch and compost.

Conservation Quick Tips: 3 Waterwise Lawncare Tips From a Pro
Santa Clara Valley Water District Landscape Committee chair Brian Boyer (from Cinnabar Hills Golf Club) gives us his top three water savingt tips for taking care of your lawn.

Plant a Native Garden and Get a Rebate!
Follow along as Valley Water’s Landscape Rebate Program participant Sheridan Laine shares she experience of transforming her lawn to a California native habitat garden and participating in the Going Native Garden Tour.

Conservation Quick Tips: Waterwise Landscape Maintenance
Santa Clara Valley Water District Landscape Committee member Miguel Espethia (from Global Sun Landscape) gives us his top 3 tips for taking care of a waterwise yard.

Capture water with a rain garden and get a rebate!
Landscape Architect Stephanie Morris takes us through a rain garden installation project designed to capture roof runoff and replenish our groundwater supplies. Follow along for tips on designing and installing rain gardens that are eligible for a rebate through Valley Water’s Landscape Rebate Program. More info at